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vintage 90’s Michigan Starter available in-store size medium

Vintage 90’s Michigan Starter zip up available in-store size medium, $85.  If you have paypal we can do a pay pal request as soon as transaction processes, we can ship out or hold at store for an instore pick up.  If interested please call 312.435.4635 or email

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  1. I’ll go tell my younger brother to stop by often to remain up to date on the most recent news

  2. These cookies were delicious but two words of warning…
    1. I had to add more than a cup of flour to keep the dough from spreading in the oven.
    2. No amount of additional floor kept the cookies from spreading괴산출장샵 when I tried making a thick cookie.

    So keep your cookies on the thinner side.
    I divided my dough in two and when rolled out, each one was slightly smaller than the size of a half-sheet pan.

  3. Great article, thank you!

  4. If my younger brother wants to know what’s happening in the world right now, I’ll have him check here often.

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