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Pete Rock Instore Re-cap

I’ve noticed the phrase “hip hop is dead” has been thrown a lot around these days. I see it in magazines, music, blogs and other forms of mediums in entertainment. To those who like to casually toss that phrase around surely were not at Jugrnaut on Friday night where hip hop was alive as legendary producer Pete Rock was in the building for a meet and greet amongst his loyal fans.
“Wow, shorty‘s know who Pete Rock is. That’s a good look. Seems like hip hop isn’t dead after all.” said Mr. Rogers.
I couldn’t agree any more after hearing that statement. As the night progressed on as the room  filled with many diverse faces ,styles,  and race but one thing in common was their appreciation  for the man of the hour Pete Rock.
The event started at six in the evening and went until eight at night. As Pete Rock took pictures talked to people and even on the cell phones of fans. He pleasently signed autographs from his classic albums to a woman’s pair of sneakers.

-The Homeboy Andres

Lots more pics after the jump


Lil dude J knows wat’s up

Mr. Jay Fresh

By far the dopest Ink I seen that night.

The rock has landed.

The place was packed.

Jugrnat boys  hard at work


As the night progressed.


I got my fitted signed.

The lovely Christine Marie gettin her shine on

Mr. B. Easy

Mr. Matt Lyman

Arty McFly, Manny (he can never put that phone down..)

and Mr. Roberto Salazar from 5 & A Dime in San Diego

As I left I saw this guy starting this out lets see where it goes.

Arty and Christine Marie

Almost done.


Mr. Pete Rock enjoys his sprite green.

B. Easy,Pete Rock, Manny Muscles Math

Mr. rogers and Pete Rock

– The Homeboy Andres

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  1. jugrnautchicago

    it was very dope event, glad to see there was a lot of love for mr. Peter Rockford…i mean pete rock. i think he should do an alter ego and call him self peter rockford…hehe

  2. II

    thank you.

  3. my Jugrnaut peoples! glad i came out. you guys are the dopest of dope in the chi! lol
    To Mr. Rogers: i couldnt find a place to comment u back but next time i come out definitely doing the touristy stuff again haha

  4. thats a hip hop as fitted andreas, q tip on top and pete rock on bottom..thats actually really dope.

  5. the homeboy andres

    lol y’all cant spell my name haha

    good looking out at the q-tip event

  6. mishka

    haha wooow dats me and my guy steppin out da store, but definitely a dope event, glad to see my peers into dat real hiphop ish

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