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Kanye West Freestyle or Not?

This is kanye on what seems to be a freestyle over one of his beats for a show called stripped….its really dope and if its a real freestyle then kanye has earned a couple of more freshness points…i mean i love his music, but this freestyle goddam, he snapped that jerk, to dope.



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  1. B. Easy

    duuuuuuuuude. . .that was definitley a freestyle. . . i’m not hating but wasnt dope enough to be a written. . . say word

  2. wow, i thought that shit was to dope for a freestyle at least the beggining…either way hott.

  3. Mike B.

    I herd this on imeem a minuet ago and I always thought that it was written. Now that I see that its suppose to be a freestyle it makes more sense. Shit is hot nevertheless! Thats why Kanye is the best.

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