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I Fucks With Ponce.

So about a year ago Mr. B. easy had the pleasure of dining at a locally known Puerto Rican cuisine restaurant called Borinquien in the Humbolt Park neighborhood.  Now, I wasn’t on the blog at that time but I always made my way around the shop before hand since then I have told him and others at the shop about another location that will make you regret wearing skinny jeans.

To those who are loyal to Borinquien are probably going to shun me or think I am out of my mind but my place of choice is called Ponce near Fullerton and Kostner its right across the street from A royals sneaker boutique in the Hermosa/ Kelvyn Park neighborhood. Seriously it couldn’t be a better match getting some kicks and then some bomb ass food where can you go wrong?  So I was around the neighborhood and my stomach began to growl therefore, I decided to stop in and have a bite. As I patiently waited the rhythmic sounds of salsa music kinda made me wanna get up and dance with the cute girl behind me. Now Easy had the “Jibarito” ,that’s pretty much the intro to Puerto Rican food unless you had the rice but I went authentic and had what is called “pastelle”  its pretty much like Mexican tamales that my aunt makes at Christmas or the dude in little village sells but a little different. Its a pretty good spot to take a date or just to go out to lunch there’s no room for dancing though.The staff is very helpful there so if you don’t know what is what they are there to be of service and if you are watching your figure girlish figure I say fuck it let loose and indulge the food.The only drawback is if you cant stand salsa music pretty much other than that  your bound to have a good time and eat good.

The Food

Pastelle with white rice and beans

FYI- no credit cards(cash only)
4312 W Fullerton Avenue
Chicago, IL 60639
(773) 486-3148

Here’s one of my favorite salsa songs


-The Homeboy Andres

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  1. Stefan Ponce


  2. man ponce is that crack!!!

    i got sick at borinquen once =( ive been at ponce ever since

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