If you were born and raised in the Chicagoland area, I’m talking City to the Suburbs, you know who Julien “Jumpin” Perez is. He also had a record store where DJ’s bought Vinyl and Clothes. If I remeber correctly, it was “Jumpin’ Music(?)” I used to buy casette mixtapes there.
Well in this clip we have here, Julien is spinnin some house music and cats are super geared “at the time”. At about the 3:00 minute mark a duo is dancing to what I’ve known footwork to be. This shit is def an entertaining watch, you can laugh at those folks dances and gear, but enjoy some GOOD OL’ CHICAGO HOUSE MUSIC. Remember Kids, Hip Hop was not always the popular music in this city. S/O to my cous Gigi for posting this on her FB. Enjoy!
Word to cats that broke to House music, lol, only in Chicago.
p.s. kinda reminds me of our @Jugrnaut parties. lol.
The three minute mark is CRAZY. I wanna dance like that.
Man only in a chicago house clip like this can u see someone do a cabbage patch then a tootsie roll and some breaker do some down rocking and then do a penny!lol