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Let us know why you want these free Elzhi tickets in the comments  section of this post! Our favorite answer will be chosen, that person will win 2 tickets to the Elzhi world tour show at Sub t! Please  use ur real email, winner will be notified via email provided. Contest ends July 26 at 11am. Good Luck!


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  1. Datdude

    I want these tickets since I love free stuff and music

  2. Michael A.

    Hey guys. Well the reason I deserve the tickets to go see Elzhi is because I have not been to a concert in SOOOOOO LOOOONG. It would be great to go see Elzhi because Im a fan of him and of Slum Village. It would be a great treat since I have been working my ass off for this damn company for so long. Plus me and my girl need a break and time to ourselves from these 20 babies we have. So please HELP ME!! lol

  3. Mark C

    Simply put, ive been kicking myself in the ass since I missed Elzhi at Double Door when he showcased Elmatic with an F’n live band. From witness my growth and other mixtapes and of course all work done with Slum Village, Im a huge fan. I can afford to buy the tickets, but lets use this as a congratulations gift since I just got a new job… so how bout it…

  4. Mo H.

    I deserve these tickets because this brother remade illmatic with a live band. He’s the ONLY new Mc I know trying to make live hip hop other than myself. I need the show to make my art. Lemme.

  5. Leon Beverly

    Honestly, the best explaination I can give would be, I don’t really think anybody desereves the tickets. We just WANT them! Me personally i’d like to have them for the simple love of hip hop and respect for this man’s craft. He’s inspired many of my best verses. This year for me has been pretty tough. Either way, if I win or lose, I’m willing to spend my last to go see one of my favorites tear it down. Hopefully this is a good enough reason to stress why I WANT these tickets. And hopefully the winner, whether it be me or not, enjoys the show and is further inspired as I have already been by the one and only “Elzhi”.

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