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Dress You Up Recap

Last Friday we had the great pleasure to have Lynette Astaire pay a visit to us where she portrayed her work and and got a chance to hang out with us.There was food,music and…well you can see for yourself.

Tons of pics after the jump.

Never in my life has the word bitch or its plural tense came across so many times before my eyes in one night. I have seen so many times it has changed its meaning to me  from degrading to a form of  female empowerment.I personally want to thank  everyone who came out Friday night. We do these events for all those who support us.  Ladies this was your night to shine and you came through. I want to thank again Lynette Astaire ,Dj Midori Swain who kept the party rocking and Aracely’s Bakery in Franklin park who provided the cupcakes.

Not cake but cupcake steez

Lynette Astaire and Angie

Lynette signing copies of her work.

Dj Midori Swain

Lynette Astaire chillin

haha look at Angie poking her head up frm behind the counter.

Christine marie and myself

Fans of Lynette Astaire and lil Angie

Melissa, Erica, Roccio

Sprite Green always has our back with the refresments

hey you.

Lil Julian and papa Chuch

Dj Midori Swain

Nick n Beans

Cool guy Roberto Salazar from 5 and a dime

Lil Angie came up on a shirt

Dj Stephan Ponce and Christine Marie

Lynette on the wheels of steel

Vic Lloyd from Ldrs

The great white hype Air Solida


Cup cakes were supplied by Aracelys Bakery in Franklin Park other locations include Cicero, Villa Park and Melrose Park

for more info call (847) 455-7658

or here

-The Homeboy Andres

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No Comments

  1. lol on the great white hype, Air Solida, get ur air my dude!!!

  2. definitely a night to remember =)

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