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Clientele has continually stretched into different aspects of modern culture.  Reaching beyond the common bounds of today’s street-wear environment. As a brand we feel that our past interests have helped to mold who we are today; whether it be photography, music, or art.

Today everyone with a digital camera and a Mac Book PRO considers themselves a expert photographer. What it took years for and experienced photographer to learn in the past now takes a few hundred bucks and an afternoon with the internet. The world of “Do It Yourself” has become forums about Photoshop and uploadable programs. What these quick taught pros don’t seem to know is a truly great  photographer has two very special gifts first a good eye for a great photo, the second is simply being in the right place at the right time.

Lee Jaffe was blessed with the art gene in the same way he was blessed with being in the right place at the right time.  Jaffe first met Bob Marley in New York City  in 1973, Marley had reached fame in Jamaica, but was little known in the US.  Their friendship solidified quickly resulting in Jaffe becoming the harmonica player for the Wailers.  This new position with Marley’s Band gave Jaffe a front row seat to  Marley’s growth to fame in the US and the entire world.  He was able to catalog those years through an array of vivid photographs.  His connection to reggae grew later producing Peter Tosh’s “Legalize It,” even contributing the legendary cover photograph.

Adrian Boot is a photographer with being in the right place consistently figure out, he puts himself there.  Adrian’s true gift is his eye for the shot.  Whether it be taking shots of the Sex Pistols in London, Marley in Jamaica, Nelson Mandela in South Africa, Roger Waters at the Berlin Wall, The Grateful Dead in Egypt, and Green Peace in the Soviet Union,  Adrian’s eye finds an epic piece of art.

Below are two examples of these photographers blessed pasts.

Today, Clientele is proud to release their latest t-shirt campaign titled, “Point & Shoot.”  The collection features photographs from the early years of Michael Jackson and Legendary Lee “Scratch” Perry.  This super limited run of t-shirts will be available for purchase at Jugrnaut

A Young Micheal

Lee “Scratch” Perry

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