So my big bro, Big Zerg emailed me this link back in Feb and I just saw it, dope video and song is good too..peep.
Well done!!
So my big bro, Big Zerg emailed me this link back in Feb and I just saw it, dope video and song is good too..peep.
Well done!!
First and foremost I would like to Congrualte you all on a wonderful job you guys are doing down there keep it up i’m a faithful shopper there. yeah this video is pretty dope…they got some new stuff i came across thats pretty nice also. By the way Mr. Rogers can you please checkout and listen to the group MaggMyle’s M.B.U.S.A MUZIK something i think the Jugrnaut team will enjoy check them out hopefully they can get some sponsorship from you all. checkout the blog also at MaggMyle consist of Blake and Luxx….
ive been telling you dudes about Chiddy!
these dudes are the shit, theyre comign to the chi in august for lolla.
Oh shit Blake I see, u…MagMyle. dope!