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So I never get on here and blog, why well cause I’m a slacker…lol.  Well in order to get more motivated with blogging, I came up with this concept. I don’t know about you guys but I def like to listen to music, new and old…well more new that old..regardless dope music is dope music in my opinion no matter the genre or era.  I was thinking, and thought it would be dope if I could try and blog a new song everyday of what ever new music I was listening to, or what was motivating me at the time (could even be a mix).  At the same time I would like feed back as far as what you guys were listening to or if I was missing out on something.  Well in order to try and make everyday a differnt type of day in regards to music.  I came up with this……

Cake Up Sunday’s– You know that music that be making you think about ur boo, or can get u in that mood….

Trap Monday’s-Basically some dope turn up trap shit…

Money Tuesday’s-Any type of music that can make u wanna get ur ass up and get it…get that money…like when ever I hear sme Pusha T., makes me wanna sell rock, ahaha.

Heart Wednesdays- Not sure about this one yet..still need a good name, but was figuring anything any genre, that I was feeling, a free day of what ever..

Turn Up Thursdays-Need I need explain?? Any genre or era, shit that gets u going..

Flashback Friday’s-Some old shit, no matter the genre

Get It Saturdays– Not sure but what ever gets u in the mood to hit the streets..maybe that pregame song before u start ur night…

So there you have it a plan of sorts….will def fine toon, but for now, let’s see how this goes..

Since it is Sunday…My first post will a Cake Up Sunday’s!! Peep song after the jump..

Cake Sunday's

Not sure if this would qualify as a cake song…but I’m fucking with this joint, and it’s kinda soft, Drake be killing it IMO…

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