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Behind The Line.

So this past weekend was  hit or miss. As Nike released the third colorway for the Nike Air Yeezy, possibly the most hyped and sought after shoe in quite some time.The demand grew and continued as the scarcity of its availability became aware since the first release back in April and caused collectors to “step thier game up” in May. Though acquiring the shoe was quite the challenge since line ups started almost a week prior to the release dates as hopefuls waited patiently till D-day. I can sit and talk about the shoe but, what really matters is the person and their determination to say “I got them Yeezy’s on my feet.” Jinno Hilario 20, and his two other of his friends waited six days at House of Hoops Chicago.Here’s what he has to say.

THA:In your opinion was it worth the wait?

JH:Most definitely worth the wait.

THA:How long have you been in line?

JH:We were in line since Monday afternoon, but people were in line since Sunday.

THA: What number in linewere you?

JH: Between me an my friends we were 14-16

THA:Describe your day,  any problems that come about waiting so long?

JH:Just a long boring day at the mall. Since it was an inside mall, they handed out tickets at the end of the night for us to come in the next day at 10am when they opened up and took roll call. No problems except for one person who came late, and he wasn’t even waiting there on Monday and he still wanted to jump back in line although he was late.

THA:If reselling is it worth the wait?

JH:Either way it was worth the wait, it still goes for 500+ but its just nice to have this shoe in the collection.

THA:What is your intention to do with the shoe?

JH:At first I wanted to resell, but after seeing it in person I decided to keep.

THA:what is the reason behind you waited so long to get these shoes other than to obtain them?

JH: The shoes are so limited that I didn’t feel like spending extra few hundred dollars.

THA:What goes on in your mind after this experience?

JH:Collecting shoes are still one of my biggest hobbies, and I will probably still continue to camp out for shoes if in the end the shoe is worth it.

THA:Has camping out affected your other responsibilities such as school, work or home life?

JH:Yeah it does come in the way of it, but I do try to fit it into my schedule. I was unable to camp out for the first two releases due to school and work. But for this one I already finished school and I took a week of work because it is that serious.

THA:How did you feel when you received your shoe?

JH:I was so excited to get it. Although it wasn’t my size, I’m still hoping I can swap for my size or even just resell.

pics by Jinno Hilari



-The Homeboy Andres

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