This weeks installment of RECORD BREAKERS showcasing some kid (I don't know his name if you do lemme know!) snapping his ass off at a Skribble Jam a few years...
Caught this on A-Trak's blog figured I post the video here
I've decided to start this weekly posting of cold ass DJ videos, some of the classics that are my favorites and some newer ones I've discovered for the inaugural post...
Yo! This FRIDAY(E) my homie Stefan Ponce and I are starting your new favorite night !! 10pm-4am 18+ !! So all ya'll youngins looking to be seen, pictured, videod and...
Props to Johnny Fonseca for putting me on ! This is our shit at the store now ! #cmonson
Stefan Ponce hit me up and said our upcoming party "Pop Them Thangs" had been showcased on UR Chicago's website so I figured I'd let everyone know haha .... THURSDAY...
9. DAVE CORESH - Unless you go to U of I in Champaign, IL it's probably been awhile since you've heard the name Dave Coresh, that is if you've even...
10. FLY KITE MEDIA - If you have not been formally introduced to the film/media duo that is "Fly Kite" here you go ! Corn and Britton have been filming,...