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Im trying to get some more original content for our blog, we know tons of talented people from Chicago and I want to showcase them!  Here is my first artist interview, Tony Bohn Aka ABC KILLS.  He is a good friend and hella talented.  Peep the awesome interview and other pics of his work after the jump…






Name? Nick Name?

I go by ABC Kills…homies call me Tony though.
How long have you been pursuing your craft as a potential career?
Man, I’ve been hustling my art in one way or another for over 10 years now. I started in high school, I had an amazing art teacher that really pushed me, even when i was out of school & broke she would let me “borrow” paints & supplies…i probably would’ve ended up in jail if it wasn’t for her years of support. I always did flyers & t-shirts for area punk bands stuff like that here & there, but 5 years ago I really started seeing it as something I could make a career out of. I truly owe that to the people in my life; specifically my homie Clinton (ShowYouSuck), Aaron Adams at Beau Monde, Jason Hoodrich, & my wifey DeeDee. These people kinda smacked me around over the years & “made” me pursue this diligently.



Why the morbid yet awesome creations?  ie.  the slit wrist bear in tub

Im a huge fan of horror movies & novels, & grew up during the late 80s early 90s with shit like the “satanic panic” (the day care abuse scandals) & the West Memphis 3 Trial. So I grew up with all this dark imagery & stories of occult & murder & always wanted a way to express it, but doing so with people the first response is normally discomfort & they viewer doesn’t engage the piece. You do something gruesome with a Sock Monkey the person viewing the piece is disarmed to that dark side of the piece, & more likely to engage the piece on different levels.
Do you have a favorite piece?  Why?
Hahaha Thats such a hard question! Currently I have “favorites”! Im working on a series called “Neon Waste” some of the pieces were recently shown at Artpentry Gallery in Pilsen, at their last show at that location. I’m really stoked across the board, color story, subject matter, I’m using some new techniques & I’m really happy with the feedback from those pieces


Do you collaborate with any other artists?  i see you did the Caddy Duke cover, any other cover art or anything we might have seen?

The Cadillac Duke “FVCK SKVLLS” was the first one in a minute. I did some pieces for an upcoming Lion N’ Reys look book, Im also working with Chandler London on some things…as well as a few other upcoming collabs in the works I unfortunately can’t announce yet!
Favorite place to eat in Chicago?
I was just talking about this yesterday…it changes all the time! I eat horrible so I’m a sucker for grease pit hotdog places, but I’d say right now Big Star in Wicker Park is up there on my list. Lockdown is pretty close second, great place to grab food with the homies before a night of drinking!
Favorite place to attain inspiration or create.  ie.  do you go to the partk or beach or do you have a place that inspires you to create.  specifically speaking of a spot in chicano, but it its your room thats cool too…lol
House on the Rock in Wisconsin, its like the Field Museum & Willy Wonkas Chocolate Factory had a Baby…& that baby dropped acid, all the time! My trips there inspired the Altoid Tins & all the Miniatures I build, they have all these insane Shadow boxes & automated miniatures, some over a hundred years old, all creepy & dark…They’re amazing. If you’ve never heard of the place, Google that asap! Im also a pop culture whore, I get so much of my inspiration from the movies, TV, music, comic books, & skateboard culture i grew up on, so a lot of my inspiration comes from that as well.


Favorite artist and why?

Right now Ive been immersed in a lot of NEON PARK’s work, he passed away in ’93, but was super prolific. He did Album art for Frank Zappa, David Bowie, & his later work of “Systemic Derangement” inspired my current “Neon Waste” Series, the title pays homage. But all time favorite artist is Keith Haring. I grew up seeing his AIDS & Anti-Drug Campaigns, & his use of line & bold color is timeless, & always inspired me not to be scared of clean lines & bright colors expressing dark subject matter.


What do you like creating the most?  ie.  paintings or sculptures

They’re both satisfying in their own way…The miniatures & sculptures feel like a scavenger hunt, I spend months assembling the pieces & when I finally have them all there & assembled it is very rewarding…but they are also super tedious! Where painting to me is a more free form & provides that immediate satisfaction.








So Where Can We See All Your Work & Current Projects?
I have my website, webstore with prints & merch, & my blog at…
& you can always check me out on Social Media…
@ABC_Kills or hit me up at ABCKILLS@GMAIL.COM & I want to say Thank You to my Jugrnaut Family, especially Roger & Manny, both have been so supportive over  the last couple years…THANK YOU!




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One Comment

  1. jumpman4ever

    thats mr. zumiez himself.

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